Monday, March 8, 2010

If a bakery were actually a bar, part II

Sometimes, cupcakes are incredibly boring.  Vanilla. Chocolate. Vanilla with Chocolate frosting... even the revered Red Velvet.  They are all boring.  Everyone has eaten a Chocolate Cupcake (also, sometimes I find it odd that I capitalize cupcake flavors... I think that is important though).  Chocolate Cupcakes are never novel.  They can be delicious.  But they are never novel.  The point here is that novelty is exciting and weird, but something that one should always strive for... otherwise, they might as well just make the same boring Chocolate Cupcake with boring Vanilla Buttercream Frosting that everyone has made since cake was invented and they discovered that chocolate is actually freaking awesome... This is not to say that I don't love Chocolate Cupcakes, because I do, but I digress...
Recently, I had the inspiration to create cupcakes that were alcohol themed.  They didn't have to have alcohol in them, but this one did.  I made Guinness Cupcakes.  That's right all you crazy Irish people and all you crazy people who are just Irish on March 17th, Guinness Cupcakes.  Don't get too excited yet though.  They mostly just tasted like chocolate, which is actually pretty awesome for me because (blasphemy) I don't actually like Guinness; however, it is less awesome for my concept.
These cupcakes were a variation on my Root Beer Float Cupcakes, but I used Guinness instead of Root Beer.  The flavor wasn't that strong and for the most part the Guinness showed up in a vaguely yeasty flavor that made it more reminiscent of soft chocolaty bread, than a cupcake.
I am not going to give up yet though!  I am going to try variations of this recipe in the future and see if I can capture that Guinnessy flavor that seems to be loved by so many.
 You may ask yourselves, why would this crazy person who is obviously too obsessed with cupcakes for her own good want to make a cupcake taste like something that she doesn't like?  Good question.  I actually don't know, obviously I am insane.

You may also ask yourselves, why does that Guinness Cupcake look like the most absolutely delicious thing you have ever seen?  Also a good question.  I can answer this one: it is because it is covered in chocolate ganache and chocolate covered pretzels... two of the things that God created immediately after turning the lights on, because even God needs chocolate.

Basically, as soon as I get the flavor down for these Guinness Cupcakes, they will be the best thing to happen on St. Patrick's Day since the invention of the keg. srsly.