Monday, February 8, 2010

If a bakery were actually a bar...

One night, I woke up from a very odd dream  In this dream, I was making a cake that was very tall and was shaped like a heart.  This wasn't odd.  What was odd was the fact that I had subconsciously decided to frost this cake with strawberry frosting on the inside of the cake and mint frosting on the outside of the cake.  I hadn't ever thought of this combination before.  But, fortunately, this idea stuck with me.
Several days later, I discovered the perfect cake to complement my strawberry and mint frostings.  Lime cake.  The fact that this didn't come to me earlier is a bit appaling since my favorite fruity feminine drink is a Strawberry Mojito.

The lime cake recipe I used turned out very moist and delicious!  It used buttermilk, which I think complemented the flavor very nicely.  The recipe also called for lime zest, but I didn't have a zester, so I just chopped up tiny pieces of lime peel and it still turned out wonderful.  I also made mini-cupcakes instead of regular sized cupcakes.  I think this really concentrated the flavor and made each bite of cupcake taste that much better.
The frostings were definitely what I focused on since they were literally the "stuff of dreams" and they were fantastic!  The mint frosting was really easy.  I made a buttercream frosting to which I added a bit of mint extract and a tiny bit of food coloring.  The strawberry frosting wasn't as easy.  I wanted to use fresh strawberries.  And I did.  But the strawberry puree was a little too runny and I didn't get it to a frosting-like consistency; however, it was very much like a strawberry butter and it was quite tasty as it was.
In order to get the cupcakes you see here, I cut the tops off the cupcakes and put about a teaspoon and a half of the strawberry butter on the bottom half of the cupcake then replaced the cupcake top.  On top of each cupcake, I piped some mint frosting then topped the each with a quarter of a strawberry and a mint leaf.

I don't think that it is immodest to say that these cupcakes were probably one of the most delicious things I have ever eaten, let alone created.  If I were to make these cupcakes again though, I might try to see if I can draw more inspiration from the actual cocktail and add some rum.  Or maybe I'll just eat it with a shot on the side.

1 comment:

  1. I AM READIN' YOUR BLOG! You want to know what's funny? When I read the thing about how you had the dream and then decided to bring it to life, the first thing I thought was "Oh no, this is just like Twilight.."
    I hate limes. Maybe we can make a mango mojito instead - sans lime.
    also, a stylistic tip, I prefer the posts with the formatting from the more recent ones. the tiny purple text is cute, but not as easy to read.
    your genius sister.
